Solutions For the Toughest Challenges in Industrial Filtration, Separation, and Purification:

Graver Technologies Filtration
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Graver filtration products efficiently remove particulate and soluble contaminants from a broad range of fluids and gases. Because of the breadth of our technologies and the depth of our scientific and analytical resources, we are often called upon to solve our customers’ most challenging problems.

Findlow Filtration is a comprehensive distributor of purification, separation, and filtration products for several Midwestern USA metropolitan areas. Our supply selection includes products from Graver Technologies, a leading producer of advanced liquid and gas process filtering solutions.

Graver Technologies products are widely used within the process water, power generation, food & beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, and are produced within an ISO 9001 environment.

We distribute Graver Technologies products in Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, Indianapolis, Lexington, Louisville, and Paducah metro areas. Learn more about these products by contacting us directly.

Membrane Filters

WaterTEC™ Series

  • Economical polyethersulfone membrane pleated filter cartridges
  • Excellent flow rates and high throughputs
  • Absolute retention ratings from 0.05 to 0.65 micron
  • All polypropylene hardware
  • High dirt holding capacity minimizes changeout frequency
Typical Applications
  • Industrial water
  • DI water pre and post filtration
  • Aqueous based chemicals
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Pleated Filters

GFC™ Series

  • Microfiber glass pleated filter cartridges with polypropylene hardware
  • Beta 10/90% efficiency rated at a labeled rating of 0.2 to 30 microns
  • High surface area pleated construction delivers long on-stream life
  • Excellent flow characteristics
Typical Applications
  • Chemicals
  • Ink
  • Oil and Gas
  • Cosmetics
  • RO prefilters
  • Magnetic tape coatings
  • Blowdown post filter
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Findlow Filtration is proud to offer Graver’s Industrial Filtration, Separation, and Purification equipment. Learn more about these filtration products by contacting us directly.